Early this year, BJB hosted their second sportive. Not just because BJB love riding fast bicycles (and fast cars), but we feel it’s always a great idea to get colleagues and clients out of the workplace and grab some headspace out in the Chilterns.

The sportive wasn’t just about bringing people together for a bike ride.  Anyone could have done that….
When the road is smooth and the wind is behind you, it’s easy going. You're sailing along and things are going well.  Occasionally the road surface changes, the turn is slightly sharper than you thought, or you get the dreaded P word (but that we don't talk about amongst fellow cyclists).

To be able to offer support throughout the ride. Be it mechanical or mental.  To help others along the way,  each of us support each other during the ride. Is very much how BJB work with their clients.

When the road goes up, some find this more challenging.  Some find this oddly enticing!  In sharing that experience with each other, not racing ahead, but giving words of encouragement throughout, really helps those around you.

Talking to each other throughout, from breakfast at the start of the day, during the ride and the post ride lunch, we find out more about each other, and that starts to form a community.

It wasn’t about rushing the process.  But being on a journey together.

Some might say what we tried to achieve on the BJB Sportive was to mirror how we approach our projects.

With an awesome case study and fantastic testimonials to boot!

Check out our short film of a fantastic day out and look out for our 2024 Sportive!
