The world was very different when you and I were 13.

In July 2021, Burtt-Jones & Brewer celebrates its 13th birthday; a small milestone for some, but a proud-Dad-type moment for me as my business has just reached its teenage years. And just like the joys and growing pains of our youth, what an extraordinary journey it has been.

The Baker’s Dozen is a collection of short stories, advice, and anecdotes from a selection of friends and clients, all sharing their thoughts on what they would say to their 13-year-old selves if they could. I hope you enjoy them.



Beth Harrison

Happy 13th Birthday Burtt-Jones & Brewer!

It has been interesting to recall what advice I would give my 13-year-old self. If I’m totally honest, there’s no way my 13-year-old self would have listened to me either! It’s really thought-provoking; if you had a crystal ball, would you have made different decisions to avoid the pain or challenges you have experienced? Or are you glad of the bad bits because they’ve shaped who you are today? Life is rarely a straight line, the obstacles we overcome can become our biggest life lessons. I believe these must be experienced rather than taught.

These are my top tips to help prepare you for whatever life throws at you.

Define Success

Define what success looks like for you. Is it to be happy, to travel, to save the world, to be rich, have a family, all the above? As soon as you know, the sooner you will be able to see the opportunities and make choices to achieve it. I have only defined my personal success in the last 2-years and I am well on my way. I try not to think about where I could be if I had started 20-years before. SO much in life is about timing.

Think long-term

The most successful people are long-term thinkers, so make sure your behaviours are consistent with your long-term goals. Bad habits are easy to form but hard to live with, and good habits are hard to form but easy to live with.

The Power of Now

‘The Power of Now’ is a book by Ekart Tolle, one that helped me take a very courageous step in my career. Change is inevitable - the sooner you can adapt and pivot, the better off you will be. In my case due to changes, I decided to leave a great job much sooner than planned because it no longer fitted my mid or long-term plans. It’s been one of my best decisions!

Practice gratitude

If your personal success is to be happy, then you can do that today. Literally choose every day to think happy. If you can start and finish each day with a thought of something you are grateful for, I guarantee it will change your happiness level. Try it consistently for 30-days.

Embrace failures

Failure is inevitable and should be celebrated. After all, every failure is a step closer to success. Learn to embrace every no, every knock back and every objection, process the learnings, adapt where necessary, and move forward.


Tim Gutteridge

All of the school friends you know today, whose opinion you think matters, will no longer matter. Within fifteen years most of the people you call friends today will no longer know you. They know the old you, the one hiding in the closet. You’ll do that for more years than is good for you. The you that stresses and worries about that, thinks being out as a gay man was a bad thing.

It’s not.

Within five years, you’ll move on to new places with new people. You will meet people who expand your world and share your values. People who accept you for who you are. People who encourage you to feel good about who you are. Coming out will be such as positive revolution in your life. Some people will still judge you, but you’ll care less and less, realising that their judgement says more about them than anything.

Five more years and new opportunities in new cities will arise. New work colleagues expand your world more than you can imagine right now. They will bring fresh ideas, new challenges, and new experiences. Grab these with both hands. Say yes to the opportunities. Stretch yourself with the challenges. Experience all you can. You will go on to achieve some great things in the years ahead if you do.

Another five years and you truly know who you are. You are out. You are no longer ashamed or embarrassed.

You are happy being you.

You are proud of who you are.

You are open about who you are with others, and you stand up and fight for others like you, so their journey is easier than yours. People appreciate you for being you. You are loved for being you.

Some of the new people you meet only know you for a short time, but some have become life-long friends. You’ll struggle to remember the names of the people you think matter right now as almost all are forgotten. The people who actually matter in your life have stuck around.

So, look forward to meeting these people and becoming you. I assure you; it is a wonderful experience.


Jane Goodbody

Burtt-Jones & Brewer – a dynamic pair

Part-English, part-Welsh, (not quite Aled’s “Walking in the Air”)

As the business turns thirteen, it’s a great time to reflect,

On lessons learned, successes and some of those defects,

To use that knowledge and wisdom to start engaging,

With the teenage years, as hormones start raging.

Be patient, be kind,

Be ambitious, strong of mind.

Remember to be humble,

Accept you will stumble.

Achievers learn mistakes will happen,

But improve, adapt, and never lose your passion.

Be consistent and fair,

Accept you’ll sometimes “have a mare”.

Don’t fall into the social media trap,

Most of the content is a complete pile of crap.

The true contacts that you meet along the way,

Will be friends of yours to the end of your days.

Be proud of your achievements, but don’t become vain,

It’s amazing how quickly sun turns to rain.

Work hard, be organised, keep records and lists,

Whatever you do, don’t go taking the piss.

Don’t be lazy, cut corners, or think a job is beneath you,

Lead by example, and always give the other point of view.

Don’t be too swift to judge, or follow the crowd,

Find a job you enjoy which makes you feel proud.

Don’t beat yourself up when you get something wrong,

You might be singing in key, but it’s not the right song.

Occasionally there’s a part to be played by Lady Luck,

But if you’re tenacious and honest, you won’t come unstuck

To end with something really motivational,

“Burtt-Jones & Brewer” are completely inspirational.

13 years in business, a fabulous campaign,

It’s about time they bought us a glass of champagne.


Rob Lodge

  • Don't be afraid to speak your mind

  • Do it for you, not to get the acceptance of others

  • If somebody tells you, "you won't be able to do that", don't listen

  • Follow your dreams

  • Don't accept compromise

  • Learn to laugh at yourself

  • Read more

  • Ask more questions

  • When opportunity knocks, take it

  • Travel as much as possible and see the world

  • Don’t get caught scrumping strawberries by the local farmer!

  • Surround yourself with those that 'do' not those that 'don't'

  • Life is not a rehearsal – make it count
